BUILD GOOD PRACTICE IN REPORTING THEMATIC ANALYSIS WITH VIRGINIA BRAUN & VICTORIA CLARKE"In this webinar, Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke, the authors of award-winning textbook Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide, explore good practices in reporting thematic analysis (TA) - particularly for the reflexive TA approach they have developed." Watch the webinar here:
A STEP BY STEP GUIDE IN DOING BRAUN AND CLARKE’S REFLEXIVE THEMATIC ANALYSIS"Thematic analysis is one of the most used forms of analysis in the social sciences. To assist you with improving your analysis this presentation by Dr Ulandi du Plessis will focus on:
• Braun and Clarke’s Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) method;
• familiarizing students with the concepts and process of the method;
• discussing the differences between RTA and other forms of thematic analysis." Watch the workshop here:
Keynote speaker: Kahryn Hughes (University of Leeds, UK)
“The ongoing revolution in the digital data landscape has given rise to a vast international network of research data repositories and infrastructures that present unparalleled opportunities for research data reuse. While there are well-established methods and approaches for the reuse of quantitative research data, debates on appropriate methods for reusing qualitative research data suggest this enterprise is far from straightforward. This complexity has driven a growing discussion on the distinctive affordances and defining challenges of qualitative secondary analysis (QSA), particularly questions concerning how researchers might return to research data at varying degrees of ‘remove’. Rather than viewing such concerns as the exclusive domain of discrete and specialist methodological fields, the arguments in this presentation proceed from viewing all qualitative research as having ‘secondary’, ‘longitudinal’, and ‘reuse’ components.” Watch the plenary conference here:
SPOKEN GRAMMARWatch this interesting talk titled "Spoken Grammar: why is it important?" by Michael McCarthy. It was given during the Cambridge University Press ELT 'Better Learning' conference, which took place in August 2016 (
ON ORCID"Names are not enough to ensure credit for your work and are inadequate for reliably connecting researchers with their research outputs. Learn how the ORCID identifier can ensure that your publications, datasets, and other research outputs are connected with you every time" (
LSKK ITB, 2016).
"PROFESSIONALISM IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING - SILVANA RICHARDSON""In many contexts English Language Teachers have been perceived historically as the ‘Cinderella’ of the teaching profession. In some cases they have been required to ‘top up’ their qualifications, as a result of education authorities making calls to ‘professionalise the sector’. This talk will explore the causes of such perceptions, what it means to be a professional teacher of English, and the fitness of purpose of international initial training qualifications for educating professional practitioners" (
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ELT - Better Learning Conference, August 2016).
"GARY BARKHUIZEN - CHOOSING A RESEARCH TOPIC AND OTHER DILEMMAS IN QUALITATIVE AND NARRATIVE RESEARCH"Some interesting insights into dilemmas novice researchers/teacher researchers are faced with when choosing a research topic as well as other questions involving qualitative and narrative research (
GARY BARKHUIZEN – NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS"Telling Stories about Narrative Inquiry Methods In Applied Linguistics Research" (
"ELT TODAY SERIES #3: TASK-BASED AND PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN ELT""There is a growing interest among language educators in using task-based and project-based teaching approaches. This is because these approaches can potentially increase students’ level of engagement in the language learning process. Task and project-based teaching enables students to acquire and extend their proficiency in the context of real-world problems. In this webinar, the two speakers, Prof Rod Ellis will share practical tips on how to design, implement and evaluate task and project-based teaching approaches. The second speaker, Dr Francisca Ivone, will offer tips on how teachers can use tech tools to further enrich students’ experience with their project work" (
"TESOL KUWAIT 2022 CONFERENCE: RESOLVING THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING LITERATURE IN EFL/ESL CLASSROOMS""The main challenge of teaching literature in an EFL/ESL classroom is that students’ language acquisition and assimilation of literary texts must happen simultaneously. Specific teaching methodology should be implemented so that students can look past the language barrier to truly appreciate literature and connect to it" (
"INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON TESOL""The International Virtual Conference on TESOL will be organized by SEAMEO RETRAC in cooperation with Curtin University, Australia. The Conference aims to provide an excellent venue for academics, researchers, students, and professionals in the field of English language education to share their research findings, experiences, and practical and theoretical issues related to the teaching of English to learners of different backgrounds, levels, interests, and motives" (
III SEMINÁRIO DO CELEPI (III SCELEPI) - COMUNICAÇÕESAssistam às comunicações, conferências, palestras e mesas-redondas realizadas nos dias 12 e 19 de novembro de 2021 durante o III SCELEPI (
"GLOBAL SCHOOLS FESTIVAL 2021"Watch videos of talks by international ELT professionals in the 2021 Global School Festival (
LINHA DE PESQUISA – PÓS-COLONIALISMO E ESTUDOS DA LINGUAGEMA Profa. Dra. Silvia Cristina de Souza Hall, criadora da linha de pesquisa “Pós-Colonialismo e Estudos da Linguagem” no grupo de pesquisa CELEPI, convida os interessados a participarem do Grupo de Estudos Linguísticos em Inglês (
“Evidenciando práticas comunicativas situadas no mundo globalizado atual que refletem o fluxo sem precedentes de pessoas, tecnologias, textos e recursos linguísticos, esse grupo de estudo, em seus encontros, propõe ressignificar a relação entre a educação de línguas e as reivindicações que a sociedade contemporânea apresenta (MOITA LOPES, 2006; PENNYCOOK, 2001; SIGNORINI; CAVALCANTI, 2004; RAMPTON, 2006; CANAGARAJAH, 2005; LUCENA, 2015). Sem descartar o estudo das estruturas da linguagem, as pesquisas da linha de pesquisa a qual este grupo está ligado, advogam que as pessoas são criativas em seus encontros linguísticos e que as línguas, sendo recursos móveis (CANAGARAJAH, 2013) que são, encontram seus lugares na prática social e sua forma muda de acordo com os usos que os falantes dão a elas.
Dessa forma, o GELIN busca trazer em seus encontros reflexões sobre o quanto a questão da colonialidade ainda está presente no ensino da língua inglesa de hoje em dia e como a ideia de modelo de falante nativo a ser imitado ainda está muito presente no ensino da língua e nos materiais didáticos que não “consideram a diversidade e a multiplicidade de epistemologias, culturas e povos falantes da língua inglesa ao redor do mundo” (PARDO, 2019, p. 212). Ao se constatar que a língua inglesa é utilizada como língua de interação em mais de 70 países (EBERHARD et al., 2020), abre-se a oportunidade para que histórias e culturas de países não-hegemônicos adentrem a comunidade escolar (MEGALE, 2020).
Assim, questionando a colonialidade que permeia nosso cotidiano enquanto falantes de língua inglesa como língua adicional, discutiremos nesse grupo questões como identidades, processos de ensino/aprendizagem de língua inglesa, diversidade cultural, estudos críticos da linguagem, e afetividade e emoções no ensino/aprendizagem de língua." (
HALL, 2021).
"DA TEORIA À PRÁTICA E VICE-VERSA (FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE AND BACK)"Assista a esta interessante comunicação realizada pelo Dr. Wilson de Lima Silva, professor do Departamento de Linguística da Universidade do Arizona. O trabalho foi submetido ao Congresso AMAZONICAS VIII – Sessão geral assíncrona de pôsteres (
SILVA, 2021).
“LOOKING AT SPECIFIC EMI TEACHER TRAINING NEEDS- ASSESSMENT IN EMI; USING A FLIPPED LEARNING APPROACH”“This webinar is the third one in the series of webinars to discuss the aims and outcomes of the ‘English as a Medium of Instruction’ (EMI), a joint project of the British Council, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education and Norwich Institute of Language Education (NILE). The objectives of the webinar are: - to discuss key features of assessment in EMI and what needs to be considered by teachers when planning assessment in EMI contexts⠀ - to discuss challenges that teachers can experience when planning and delivering assessment in EMI courses and share experience in overcoming them⠀ - to unpack the most important features of effective flipped learning for EMI teachers to consider⠀ - to discuss benefits of a flipped or blended approach for students and institutions⠀ Presenters:⠀ Thom Kiddle, Anna Whinnett, Aziz Abdullaev, Umida Khaydarova, Russel Stannard” (
“MONITORING AND EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT; TOOLS FOR SUPPORTING EMI TEACHERS”“'Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the project; tools for supporting EMI teachers' webinar is the second one in the series of webinars to discuss the aims and outcomes of the ‘English as a Medium of Instruction’ (EMI), a joint project of the British Council, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education and Norwich Institute of Language Education (NILE). The objectives of the webinar are: - Overview of impact analysis findings; examples of EMI best teaching practice⠀ - Introduction to and overview of the EMI Teaching Standards Framework⠀ - Overview of other tools developed during the project: lesson planning tool; peer observation form; self-assessment tool; teacher reflection tools⠀ Presenters: Erkan Arkin and Jason Skeet” (
"INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH AS A MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION IN HIGHER EDUCATION UZBEKISTAN PROJECT"“The 'Introduction to EMI in Higher Education Uzbekistan' webinar is the first one in the series of webinars to discuss the aims and outcomes of the ‘English as a Medium of Instruction’ (EMI), a joint project of the British Council, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education and Norwich Institute of Language Education (NILE). The objectives of the webinar are: • background to the project: what is EMI and what are the main challenges teachers face in EMI? • underlying teacher training ethos and approach • overview of the phases and main project outcomes Presenters: Thom Kiddle and Jason Skeet” (
“DEVELOPING OPPORTUNITIES FOR TALK IN YOUNG EFL LEARNER CLASSROOMS”Watch this interesting webinar by Dr. David Nunan and Dr. Julie Choi as part of the
2021 ELT Expert Webinars Series promoted by e-future ELT.“A SHORT HISTORY OF SLA: WHERE HAVE WE COME FROM AND WHERE ARE WE GOING?""The study of how people learn languages has a long history but it became an identifiable sub-area of applied linguistics in the 1960s driven by two seminal papers (Corder, 1967; Selinker, 1970), which motivated intensive empirical enquiry. Early research focused on investigating the order and sequence of L2 acquisition, leading into work on variability in learner language and rethinking the role of the L1. Subsequently, researchers turned to the role of input and interaction, implicit and explicit learning, and the importance of consciousness in language learning. At this stage, SLA was predominantly a cognitive-interactionist enterprise directed at explaining how learners acquire grammar. However, the 1990s saw a social turn in SLA. There was greater emphasis on the social context of learning, on learners’ social identity, and on different aspects of language. Sociocultural SLA became a major influence at this time. More recently, the cognitive and social sides of SLA have come closer together through the investigation of learners’ complex dynamic systems. As SLA has evolved, we can see a change in the reasons for investigating L2 acquisition. In the early phases SLA researchers were interested in improving language teaching. In the later phases. SLA has become less applied and more purely academic, directed at contributing to our understanding of language and the human mind. I will illustrate how this change has taken place through an analysis of the journals that publish SLA research and suggest that this is one reason why teachers have become increasingly skeptical of SLA as a useful source of information about pedagogy” (
Abralin, 2021).
"THE MINIMALIST PROGRAM IN 2021 - NOAM CHOMSKY""The legendary linguist and the father of modern linguistics, Professor Noam Chomsky, addresses some of the most recent issues in “The Minimalist Program in 2021” On February 24, 2021. This is the first time Chomsky delivers a lecture on linguistics at an Iranian university. Hence, a historic occasion for Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran’s leading and specialized university in human sciences. Chomsky’s talk is of high importance for those interested in the fields of linguistics, biology, psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, and cognitive sciences as a whole. This event was organized by the Linguistics Association of Allameh Tabataba’i University whose main mission is to promote and better advance the scientific study of language and raise awareness of linguistic issues with the public" (
"FERRAMENTA START - PROFª DRª SANDRA CAMARGO P. F. FABBRI""Palestra - Ferramenta StArt (State of the Art through Systematic Review) Palestrante - Profª Drª Sandra Camargo P. F. Fabbri (DC / UFSCar)". Assista à palestra
"ESCREVENDO UMA PROPOSTA PARA O ELF""Este vídeo descreve o processo de preparação de propostas de projetos para o Endangered Language Fund (ELF)" (
SILVA, 2020).
Watch Dr. Kalyani Vallath explain in a very pedagogical manner the Bakhtinian concepts of polyphony, dialogism and heteroglossia (
VALLATH, 2020).
TUTORIAIS: EXPLORANDO RECURSOS TECNOLÓGICOSAssista a uma série de tutoriais realizados por participantes da disciplina AIS/LING597AFA2001 Descriptive Linguistics for Native American Languages, minstrada pelo Prof. Dr. Wilson de Lima Silva, do Departamento de Linguística da Universidade do Arizona. Essa disciplina é parte do currículo do Programa de Mestrado em Linguística e Línguas Nativas Americanas, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Comportamentais da Universidade do Arizona (
"HOW TO DELIVER AN ENGAGING ONLINE LESSON TO TEENAGE STUDENTS?"Watch this very enlightening webinar delivered by Michael Brand on March 20th, 2020 (
Pearson English).
"AMERICAN INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW"O Professor Dr. Wilson de Lima Silva, Diretor do Programa de Mestrado em Línguas Nativas Americanas e Linguística (
NAMA), ministrará, nas próximas semanas, a disciplina American Indian Languages, do Programa de Graduação em Linguística da Universidade do Arizona. Assista a algumas aulas da disciplina:
Introduction to the course
Lesson 1: Some misconceptions about Indigenous Languages and their Speakers
Lesson 2: Historical Linguistics of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
Lesson 3: Part I - Major language families in North America
Lesson 3: Part II: Word formation, Word Order, Word Meaning
"FUTURED - EDUCAÇÃO LINGUÍSTICA NO BRASIL: POSSIBILIDADES DE/PARA O FUTURO"Palestra ministrada pela Prof.ª Dr.ª Antonieta Megale: "Esta apresentação tem como objetivo discutir possibilidades para a Educação Linguística no Brasil. Qual o propósito de ensinar inglês no Brasil? Como se configura o atual cenário de ensino de inglês no Brasil? Quais as possibilidades e oportunidades que se configuram na atualidade? Essas e outras questões serão discutidas a partir de uma perspectiva crítica de educação linguística" (
Casa Thomas Jefferson).
'USING TASKS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING''Tasks play a key role in both online and face-to-face teaching. In the first part of my talk, I will define what a task is and illustrate how tasks differ from exercises. In the second part, I provide a classification of tasks with examples to illustrate different task characteristics, and also suggest which types of tasks are best suited to different groups of learners. The third part will then consider how tasks can be incorporated into language lessons in terms of task-supported and task-based language teaching, the rationale for these two ways of using tasks, and the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. The final part of the talk will then consider how teachers can tell if a task has worked. This involves defining what is meant by ‘worked’ and then evaluating whether a task has achieved what it was designed to achieve. The talk will conclude with an example of how a teacher can set about evaluating a task' (
Rod Ellis - Cambridge Press ELT).
'THE NEW NORMAL: EDUCATION POST COVID-19'Assista a uma interessante conferência em que professores de várias partes do mundo compartilham suas perspectivas sobre o “novo normal” no campo da educação (
T4 Conference).
"FÓRUM INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCADORES - NOVOS MÉTODOS E TECNOLOGIAS DIANTE DOS DESAFIOS DA EDUCAÇÃO""O avanço da tecnologia e a convivência com as novas gerações em sala de aula trazem o desafio constante de buscar novos métodos e estratégias contemporâneas e assertivas para o trabalho docente" (
Senac São Paulo).
ON THE LESSON STUDY PROCESS'Lesson study is a form of long-term professional development in which teams of teachers collaboratively plan, research, and study their lesson instruction as a way to determine how students learn best' (
Center for the Collaborative Classroom).
ON ERROR CORRECTION'EFL Teacher Training – Error Correction. Part of the learning process for language learners is making errors. A challenge for many teachers is deciding when and how to correct their students. This EFL teacher training video looks at when a teacher should not correct, when they should correct and if they are going to correct students’ errors, what error correction methods are available' (
Merit School Maragall).
ON FLIPPED CLASSROOM'Clintondale High, just outside of Detroit, is the nation's first completely flipped school, meaning teachers record lectures for students to watch online outside of class; and what was once considered homework is now done in class, allowing students to work through assignments together and ask teachers for help if they run into questions' (
PBS NewsHour).
CREATING INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS'Loom is a simple screencasting tool ideal for teachers, but also great for anyone who needs to create quick and effective How-to or instructional videos' (
WEARING THE MANTLE OF THE EXPERT'A new teaching method, called Mantle of the expert, that gets children more interested in learning and builds curiosity among them. This theme of this story: Archaeologists' (
Verita International School Bucharest).
'DEVELOPING EXPERTISE THROUGH EXPERIENCE: SHORT VIDEOS''Twenty English language teaching practitioners from around the world were invited to reflect on the role of experience in teacher training and life-long development for the British Council's recent publication 'Developing expertise through experience', edited by Alan Maley' (
BRITISH COUNCIL/The Creativity Group).
DESENVOLVIMENTO PROFISSIONAL DOCENTEEm julho de 2019, foi realizada mais uma edição da conferência titulada Better Learning no Robinson College, University of Cambridge, Reino Unido. O evento enfocou o desenvolvimento profissional docente. David Crystal, Sarah Mercer e Peter Dudley foram alguns dos preletores que derem importantes contribuições durante a conferência.
Clique neste link para assistir a algumas preleções.
INTRODUÇÃO À TEORIA LITERÁRIANa primavera de 2009, o Professor Paul H. Fry, ministrou o curso Introduction to Theory of Literature na Universidade de Yale. Ao longo do curso, o professor apresentou e discutiu, por uma perspectiva filosófico-social, as principais tendências da teoria literária do século XX, respondendo a perguntas como: O que é literatura? Como é produzida? Como pode ser entendida? Qual é o seu propósito? As 26 aulas expositivas que compõem o curso estão publicadas no canal
YaleCourses. Você também pode ter acesso aos vídeos, às transcrições das aulas e a outros materiais do curso
por aqui.